
I use a holistic approach to therapy that includes mindfulness, attention to your experience in the moment, body-based approaches and cognitive modalities. As no two persons are alike, we will together determine during your therapy which approaches work best for you. Whether you are struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, relationships or any other issue, I will help you recognize underlying problems, fully realize your strengths, and transform behaviors that get in the way of living the life you want.

My practice specializes in treating individuals. I offer comprehensive services dealing with:

Trauma and PTSD

Are you frequently feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious? Are you often depressed or bored? Do you struggle with anger and frustration? All of these might be signs of trauma. Childhood experiences, abuse or emotional neglect, disturbing events, accidents or loss of a loved one can all leave us feeling traumatized. Trauma is understood as an overwhelming experience that we could not fully process. Its residues are held in the body. They can impact us tremendously, even if we are not fully aware of it. I am certified in Somatic Experiencing® (SE), a holistic, body-based approach to trauma resolution. Working directly with the nervous system, SE can help release traumatic shock and increase your natural resilience. Greater resilience will open a sense of freedom, joy and choices in your life.

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Relationship Issues

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, your relationships are not satisfying? Do you wish you could maintain a relationship, or find a new one, more easily? Do you feel overwhelmed by the demands of your partner, or does it feel like you can’t get close enough? Our early childhood experiences with caregivers leave imprints that shape our thoughts and behaviors in ways we are often not even aware of. I am certified in a mindfulness-based, holistic approach called Hakomi that can be helpful to explore limiting thoughts and belief systems, and transform them in ways that let you get what you want from your relationships, whether with intimate partners, friends or family members.

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Anxiety and Depression

Do you frequently worry about the past or the future? Do you easily feel sensitive or overwhelmed? Does it feel as if all joy was drained out of your life, and it’s hard to even get out of bed in the morning, or leave the house? I use an integrative approach including dialectic behavioral and other cognitive modalities to help you recognize underlying issues and develop skills to overcome them to live with more ease and joy.

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Life Transitions

Are you struggling to adjust to a divorce, relationship break-up, the loss of a loved one, or of a job? Major changes in our lives can impact us deeply. I use a holistic approach that includes Hakomi and mindfulness to help you work through life transitions. Expressive arts can also be helpful to explore your feelings when words are not enough. Together we will grieve your losses and develop meaningful perspectives for the future, including learning new skills to live the life you want.

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Finding your Voice, Finding your Life

Do you feel shut down or not appreciated? Does it seem like the life you live is not really yours? Are you struggling to figure out what you want from life? Often, we might feel that we cannot fully be ourselves, that we have to conform to someone else’s standards. Or we might be confused about who we really are. I use an integrative, body-based approach, including Hakomi, expressive arts and mindfulness, to help you discover and build your strengths, free your voice, create a vision for the life you want, and learn the skills needed to live it.

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I strive to provide a safe space for all genders, ethnicities, sexual preferences, religions, and cultural, social and economic backgrounds.


Contact Today

Claudia Hartke

3005 47th Street, Suite F4,
Boulder, CO 80301
(408) 997-1866

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